Notre Dame Health Foundation
The Notre Dame Health Foundation was established in 1994. Its purpose is to provide funding to organizations that aim to help the elderly, the handicapped, the poor or the disadvantaged residing within the boundaries of the Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes health district. The Foundation supports activities or programs not ordinarily subsidized by the government or the health care system.
The Foundation is governed by a group of volunteers and the management has been entrusted to the Centre de Santé Notre Dame.
Your donation can be made at any given time, be one time only or paid out monthly or annually. Your money will stay in the community to help support local projects. An official income tax receipt will be issued for contributions of $20 or more.
You can support the Notre Dame Health Foundation by one or more of the following means:
- Making a donation to support a certain project;
- Marking a donation which the foundation can use where there is a need;
- Making a donation in honour of someone or in memory of a loved one or even a special occasion;
- Naming the foundation a beneficiary of your legacy or insurance policy.
Donations can be sent to:
Fondation Santé Notre Dame Health Foundation
Box 190
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, MB
R0G 1M0
Grant and Financial Assistance
The Foundation board grants financial assistance to organizations for initiatives that aim to improve the health and quality of life of the above-named target groups. Organizations wishing to obtain funding for an activity or program must complete the Application for Funds form and submit it by October 31st.
To download the application form, CLICK HERE.
School Bursaries
The Notre Dame Health Foundation offers two annual school bursaries of $500.00 to students wishing to pursue their studies in the health care field.
The students must reside in the Notre Dame Health Foundation district, be fluently bilingual in both official languages, demonstrate excellent scholastic aptitudes and must evoke a good sense of moral and civic responsibility, polite, respectful of property, professors and other students. The student must pursue university, community or other educational centres related to the health care field.
Applications for school bursary must be completed and submitted before May 15th. Click here for the application
Professional Bursaries
Professional bursaries for disciplines including Licensed Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner and physicians may be considered with a stipulation for return of service agreement. Each request is reviewed and considered on its own merit.
For more information, please contact:
Fondation Santé Notre Dame Health Foundation
Box 190
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, MB
R0G 1M0
Manon Grenier Gaudet – Administrative Assistant / Adjointe Administrative
Email : mgreniergaudet@southernhealth.
Tel : 204-248-2112 ext.43200