Business Directory
Adam’s Funeral Home
Address:Box 218, 35072 Highway 244 S Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Alvin Adam
Description:Find us on Facebook!
Adam's Flower Shop
Address:Box 218, 35072 Highway 244 S Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:Find us on Facebook!
All Kleen Septic Service
Address:Box 239, 82 rue Delaquis Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Marty Roch
Angela’s Guitar School
Address:CP/Box 206, 21 Langevin St. Notre-Dame-de- Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Angela Durand
Description:Find us on Facebook!
Aspen Winds/Vents de Tremble Inc.
Address:CP/Box 297, 65 Notre Dame Ave. Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday – 9:00am to 4:00pm Find us on Facebook and Instagram!
Assiniboine Injections Ltd.
Address:Box 160, 177 Notre Dame Ave. West Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Badger Electric Ltd.
Address:CP/Box 368, 200 PR 244 S Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Paul Badiou
Badiou Accounting Services
Address:CP/Box 339 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Marc Badiou
Becky Adams Athletic Therapy
Address:44 Rogers Street Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Becky Adams
Description:Certified Athletic Therapist Located at the Centre Albert Galliot
Bibliothèque Père-Champagne
Address:CP/Box 399, 44, rue Rogers Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:Find us on Facebook! Library Hours: Tuesday to Thursday: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm Closed during lunch hour
Big Al’s Burgers
Address:164 Notre Dame Ave. W Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Al Gray
Description:Hours of operation Saturday to Sunday: 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM Monday to Friday: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM Find us on Facebook!
Boisvert Garage
Address:CP/Box 299, 230 Notre Dame Av W Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Maurice Boisvert
Description:Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
C Finance
Address:151 Av Notre Dame Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:Main office: Box 160 385 Main St. St. Adolphe, R5A 1A1 I am at the Notre Dame office as needed.
Caisse Groupe Financier
Address:CP/Box 248, 151 Av Notre Dame Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:Trouves-nous sur Facebook!
Canada Post
Address:70 Main St St Leon Manitoba R0G 2E0
Contact:Solange Labossière
Description:Heures/Hours: Lundi/Monday 9:00-12:00 et 14:00-17:00/9;00-12:00&2:00-5:00 Mardi/Tuesday 9:00-12:00 et 15:30-17:00/9:00-12:00&3:30-5:00 Mercredi/Wednesday 9:00-12:00 et 15:30-17:00/9:00-12;00&3:30-5:00 Jeudi/Thursday 9:00-12:00 et 15:30-17:00/9:00-12:00&3:30-5:00 Vendredi/Friday 9:00-12:00 et 15:30-17:00/9:00-12:00&3:30-5:00
CDC Lourdéon
Address:CP/Box 336, 55 Rogers Street Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Centennial Farm Supply Ltd.
Address:CP/Box 9 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Central Dragline Ltd.
Address:Box 160, 177 Notre Dame Ave. West Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Centre de Services Bilingues - région de la Montagne
Address:CP/Box 336, 51 rue Rogers Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Chappellaz Construction
Address:CP/Box 295, 125, rue Kolly Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Victor Chappellaz
Chen and Gan’s Kitchen
Address:20 Notre Dame Ave. Notre Dame de Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:Monday: Closed Tuesday - Friday: 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM (Breakfast Buffet 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM) Holidays - please phone Take out only during COVID-19 pandemic
Clinique Notre-Dame Clinic
Address:CP/Box 190, 44 rue Rogers Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Comte Industries Limited/Tuff Livestock Equipment
Address:CP/Box 6, 155 PR 244 S Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Alain Comte
Description:Toll-Free: 1-877-248-2638
Address:CP/Box 166, 65, rue Raymond Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:René Dupuis
Description:When no one is available to answer, messages left on the answering machine are forwarded to a mobile phone. Calls will be returned ASAP. Hours 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday Evenings and weekends by appointment only
Address:CP 68, 70, avenue Notre-Dame Ouest Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
DNN Trucking Ltd.
Address:CP/Box 315 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Dan Robitaille
Dr. Holly Hamilton Medical Clinic
Address:14, rue Provencher Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Dr. Holly Hamilton
Description:Find us on Facebook!
Dre. Chantal Darzi, C. Psych.
Address:44, rue Rogers Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:I provide psychological assessment and treatment for adults and older adults in French and English. Virtual services Winnipeg location: 300-2265 chemin Pembina Hwy
Durand Seeds Inc.
Address:Box 60, NW 26-6-8W Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Marc Durand
Dylan Vigier Plumbing
Address:Box 30, 112, ave Gréa Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Dylan Vigier
E&M Automotion Inc.
Address:Box 348, 8, Avenue Gréa Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
École régional Notre-Dame
Address:70, avenue Notre-Dame Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:70, avenue Notre-Dame Ouest (Pavillon élémentaire) 45. Avenue Notre-Dame Ouest (Pavillon secondaire) Pavillon secondaire: 204-248-2371 Trouves-nous sur Facebook!
Employment Resource Centre
Address:CP/Box 336, 51, rue Rogers Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:Trouves-nous sur Facebook!
Ensemble chez soi
Address:Box 336, 40 rue Rogers Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Farmer’s Repair Ltd.
Address:Box 255, NE 34-6-9W Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Martin Deroche
FarmHouse Consultants Inc.
Address:CP/Box 128, 155 Notre Dame Ave Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Pat Hague
Fermes Beau Vallon Ltée.
Address:Box 303 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Luc Charrière
Fouasse Truck Service FTS
Address:- Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Martin Fouasse
Gaultier Portable Toilets Rentals
Address:Box 379 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Don Gaultier
Description:Gaultier Portable Toilet Rentals offer clean and reliable, long and short term temporary sanitation. Our portable toilets and wash stations are ideal for your community events or small gatherings. We also supply the agriculture and construction sectors. All our units are delivered and picked up and when requires cleaned and services on site. Contact us for all your portable toilet needs!
GDT Enterprises Ltd.
Address:Box 220, SE 36-6-9W Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:GDT Parts and Service: (204) 248-2126 GDT Transport: (204) 248-2566 Now open: Coin-op car/truck wash Open 8:00 am till 5:30 pm Monday to Friday
Gravier Collet Gravel Inc. / Collet Transport
Address:Box 100, SW 31-6-8W Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Gilles & Denis Collet
Description:Gravier Collet Gravel is a multi-generational company that has been in business for more than 35 years. This family owned business strives to serve southern Manitoba with high quality aggregate products and stellar service.
Green Hills Cannabis
Address:126 Notre Dame Ave West Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Lee & Jessi Mangin
Description:Find us on Facebook!
Grenier Mini Motel and Laudromat
Address:Box 420, 130 Notre Dame Ave W Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Pat & Chantal Grenier
Description:Registration desk is at 120 Notre Dame Ave W Grenier Mini-Stop (Fas Gas Station). 4 new rooms with kitchenettes, free internet and sate little TV, cell phone booster, air conditioning, BBQ on deck for customer use, Laundromat. Hours: 7 AM - 10 PM. Key pick up location: Grenier Mini-Stop, 120 Notre Dame Ave. W
Grenier Mini Stop
Address:Box 420, 120 Notre Dame Ave. Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Pat & Chantal Grenier
Description:Hours of operation: Sunday-Saturday: 7 AM - 9 PM Find us on Facebook!
Hub International
Address:Box 59, 139 Notre Dame Avenue Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:The largest Insurance Broker in Manitoba specializing in Agriculture. Farm - Home - Business - Auto - Employee Benefits - Life Our Expertise, Your Advantage. M-F: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Integrity Dental
Address:44 Rogers Street Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Dr. Anton Zettler
Description:Find us on Facebook! Hours of operation : Thursdays , 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Service also available in Treherne and Carberry
J Berard Garden
Address:_ Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:Agricole spécialisé dans légumes et produits biologique certifié. Rendez-vous besoin. Find us on Facebook!
J&M Rentals
Address:Hwy 244 S, Lane 34064 48W Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Joanne and Mario Girouard
Description:Facebook page :
Jamie Gallagher Massage Therapy
Address:14. rue Provencher N. Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Jamie Gallagher
Description:Currently away on maternity leave.
King Korn Maze
Address:_ Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Grenier Family
Description:Closed for the season How to get there: 1 Mile South and 1/2 Mile West of Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes *school/group bookings available
L’Image de Jeanne
Address:138 Notre Dame Ave W Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Jeanne Collet
Description:Hours of Operation: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM Saturday: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Services: Haircuts Dye / Highlight Perm Other
La Garderie Arc-en-ciel inc.
Address:CP/Box 37 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
LeMoullec Construction
Address:CP/Box 499 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Stéfane LeMoullec
Lesage Électrique
Address:CP/Box 434 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Stéphane Lesage
Description:Complete Electrical Service: Residential, Agricultural and Commercial Also offering: Heating, ventilation systems, computer, satellite, phone cabling and central vacuum installation.
Lesage Livestock and Trucking
Address:CP/Box 105, 237 Weicker Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Joe & Ray Lesage
Description:204-745-7527 (Jos’ cell) 204-248-2250 (Ray’s home) 204-326-7409
McCulloch Mooney Johnston Selby LLP
Address:137 Notre Dame Ave. Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:Tuesday morning appointments available with Chris Bowler Find us on Facebook!
Micol Construction Ltd.
Address:CP/Box 500, 37043 Rd 52W Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Mike & Coleen Berard
Description:Recognized experience, personalized approach and competent professionals, they shape the services that Micol Construction Ltd. puts at your disposal during the realization process of your construction. Since each project is unique, we will put all of our resources to work, our multidisciplinary team’s skills and know-how, so your project is a success. We are your number one choice for Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial, Wood frame and Pre-Engineered Steel building construction.
MND Plumbing & Heating Ltd.
Address:Box 279 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Don Mabon
MNP LLP (Lise Deleurme, CPA)
Address:CP/Box 266, 137 Notre Dame Ave West Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Nodaco Building Solutions Inc.
Address:Box 31, 177 Notre Dame Ave W Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Don Vigier
Description:Manitoba and Saskatchewan’s best choice in Post Frame, Stud Frame and Steel Frame building construction Pole Sheds to Shops, metal Buildings to Barns. Nodaco Building Solutions is Saskatchewan and Manitoba’s best choice in Commercial, Agricultural, Wood Frame and engineered steel frame building construction. Nodaco works closely with a team of customer service representatives, certified engineers, and trustworthy crews, from concrete, to builders all the way to finishing. Nodaco will ensure that your building whether it’s Post Frame construction or stud frame, it will always meet your needs and objectives, and is built with quality and on-time delivery.
Notre Dame Creamery Ltd.
Address:C.P./Box 158, 35 Provencher Street Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Notre Dame Electric Ltd.
Address:CP/Box 188, 130 Gréa Ave. E Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Bob Julien
Notre Dame Motors Ltd.
Address:CP/Box 39, 150 - Highway 244 S Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Guy Deroche
Description:Hours of Operation Monday to Friday - 8:00 am - 5:30 pm Saturday - Closed until further notice At Notre Dame Motors we love what we do and it shows! Family owned and operated since 1942, Notre Dame Motors Ltd., located in Notre Dame de Lourdes, MB has strived to meet the evolving needs of its agribusiness clientele, whether it be the sale of equipment, parts or service. Offering the complete lines of Massey Ferguson and Versatile farm equipment, and Manitou telehandlers, as well as other product lines such as MacDon, Westward,and Degelman, we have everything needed to meet your farm equipment needs at a price that is right. At Notre Dame Motors we understand and take pride in the unique, trusting relationship that exists between a farmer and his farm equipment dealership. “Bering there for you” in a business which is seasonal and has very long hours requires unwavering dedication and a true love for what we do. Our consistent commitment to you our customer is unmatched because we know that when you succeed, we succeed. Find us on Facebook!
Notre Dame Sandblasting & Painting
Address:74 Grea Street Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Joey Foidart
Notre Dame Shopping Centre
Address:CP/Box 99, 148 Av Notre Dame Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Marc Lesage
Description:Find us on Facebook!
Notre Dame Used Oil & Filter Depot
Address:CP/Box 123 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Notre Dame Veterinary Clinic
Address:CP/Box 149, 185 PR Rd 244 S. Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:Contact us today to schedule an appointment with the vets at Notre Dame Veterinary Clinic. We are always accepting new patients, and we look forward to serving you and your pets. Monday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Tuesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Wednesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Saturday Closed Sunday Closed Please have your dog on a leash or your cat in a carrier when coming for your appointment. * For pets having surgery, drop off is between 8:45 and 9 am. 24 hr emergency service on the farm or at the clinic
Notredame Cleaning
Address:- Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 2L0
Contact:Marwin Tamayo
NW27 Farms
Address:CP/Box 142, NW 27-08 W Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Maurice & Jeannette Gaultier
Description:We are a small strawberry farm offering u-pick and pre-picked berries. We are located between Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes and Rathwell Manitoba, along the Boyne River. The strawberry seasons start around July 1 and runs for 2-3 weeks.
Pembina Co-op Administration
Address:61 Main Street, Box 5007 St Leon Manitoba R0G 2E0
Pembina Co-op North Agro
Address:CP/Box 465, 35091 Road 48 W Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:Hours of Operation: M-F: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sat: Closed
Physiothérapie Notre Dame Physiotherapy
Address:CP/Box 428, 14 rue Provencher N. Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Tina Mondragon
Place des Pionniers 55+
Address:- Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:34 rue Chanoinesses (phase 1) 88 avenue Notre-Dame Ouest (phase 2) 40 rue Chanoinesses (phase 3)
Porcherie Lac du Onze Ltée
Address:CP/Box 40, 168 rue St. Joseph Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Prairie Bites Catering
Address:CP/Box 458 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Roxanne Chanel & Viviane Jamault
Description:Call or email for a copy of our menu and a quote for your next event! To reach Viviane please call 204-723-0307. Find us on Facebook!
René Lesage Construction
Address:CP/Box 154 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:René Lesage
Description:Offering commercial snow clearing or all winter residential snow clearing.
Rhythm Cycle Club · Notre-Dame
Address:44, rue Rogers Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Maxine Carels
Description:Find us on Facebook!
Roch Solid Machining
Address:Box 156 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Pat Roch
Description:General repair New manufacturing Prototyping Short Production Runs Welding Services available Small to large machining capabilities
Rockwood Exteriors
Address:CP/Box 489 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:Rockwood Exteriors specializes in exteriors of houses, garages, sheds, workshops and most commercial buildings. We offer high quality materials and follow strict guidelines to ensuring our customers get exactly what they are looking for. Gutter Systems We offer gutter systems in 5"" residential and 6"" commercial sizes. Our regular downpipe is 3x3 and for commercial is 3x4. We have most common colors in stock and can order specific colors just for you to match your building. Our materials consist of aluminum or steel and are of the highest quality which will be proven for years to come. Leaf Guard Systems Our Leaf Guard Systems from Alu-Rex have been proven superior in keeping out debris, ice and snow. These materials make for a stronger gutter and are maintenance free. Stucco We provide strong, durable, long-lasting concrete or acrylic applications for basically any substraint. We can apply any colors to suit your needs. Brick We install rich rugged looking brick for houses, garages and even indoor applications such as fireplaces or accent walls. Find us on Facebook!
Rondeau Enterprises Ltd.
Address:BOx 5026, 6, baie du Lac St-Léon Manitoba R0G 2E0
Serge LeMoullec Construction
Address:CP/Box 419 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Serge LeMoullec
SFM - Société de la francophonie manitobaine
Address:- St-Léon Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:Sans Frais: 1-800-665-4443
Simply Be Sugared
Address:14 rue Provencher Notre Dame de Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Catherine Mangin
Description:Certified technician Located at the Notre Dame Physiotherapy office
Southern Health - Santé Sud
Address:CP/Box 190, 40, rue Rogers Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Sylvain Bazin Sullie's Renos
Address:Box 242 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Sylvain Bazin
Talbot & Associés CPA
Address:CP/Box 391, 55 Rogers Street Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:March and April open every Tuesday
Taylor McCaffrey Lawyers (Alain Laurencelle)
Address:151 Av Notre Dame Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
The Barrel Pub & Grub
Address:120 Notre Dame Ave Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Pat & Chantal Grenier
Description:Find us on Facebook!
Toupin Plumbing & Heating
Address:CP/Box 494, 155 Kolly Street Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Description:Other locations: St-Léon/St-Claude From 9 am – 4 pm
Ukkö Robotics
Address:BOX 567 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Manitoba R0G 1M0
Contact:Daniel Badiou & Katrina Jean-LaFlamme
VaVaVoom Garage
Address:CP/Box 25 Altamont Manitoba R0G 0A0
Contact:Uncle Bill
Description:Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Saturday & Sunday by appointment Please phone ahead to be sure as I might be out collecting.