
During a thunderstorm the air is charged with electricity. Bolts of lightning hit the ground at about 40,000 km per second – so fast that the series of strikes hitting the ground appear as a single bolt.

What to do when there is lightning:

– Estimates how far away the lightning is. Every second between the flash of lightning and the thunderclap equals 300 metres. If you count fewer than 30 seconds, take shelter immediately.

– If indoors, stay away from windows, doors, fireplaces, radiators, sinks, bathtubs, appliances, metal pipes, telephones and other things which conduct electricity. (You can use a cellular phone.)

– Unplug radios, computers and televisions.

– Do not go to rescue the laundry on the clothesline as it conducts electricity. If outdoors, take shelter in a building, ditch or a culvert but never under a tree.

– If caught in the open, do not lie flat but crouch in the leap frog position and lower your head.

– Do not ride bicycles, motorcycles or golf carts or use metal tools as they conducts electricity.

– If swimming or in a boat, get back to shore immediately.

– If you are in a car, stay there but pull away from trees which might fall on you.

– You may resume activity 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder.