Personal Safety

No matter where you work, live, or play, reducing the risk of violence or becoming a victim of crime is a matter of increasing your awareness and planning your actions.

What to do to increase your safety:

– Have good locks installed in doors and windows.

– Buy a personal alarm that will keep ringing when dropped.

– Change your walking or jogging route regularly and keep to main paths. Exercise with a friend.

– Take a self-defence or safety awareness course.

– Call someone before you leave so they know when to expect you.

What to do before leaving your house:

– Have good locks on all windows and doors and use them.

– Make sure your home looks lived in, not empty.

– Leave curtains and blinds in normal positions.

– Use timers to turn on and off lights and radios at proper times.

– Have a trusted neighbour keep an eye on your home and put out the garbage for you if necessary.

– Have your lawn mowed and mail and papers collected.

– Install and test smoke, carbon monoxide, and burglar alarms.

– Call forward your phone.

What to do when travelling:

– Never carry large amounts of cash.

– Carry your purse under your arm or wallet in and inside pocket.

– Do not identify your keys with your name or address.

– Never advertise your travel plans to strangers.

– Be aware of your surroundings and remain in well lit areas.

– Use the centre of side walks away from hiding places.

– If you feel uncomfortable, cross the street or leave the area.

– Do not stop and help stranded people. Assist them by phoning for help.

– Do not carry air tickets or passports in open view. Label your luggage and keep it locked.

What to do if you think someone is breaking into your house:

– If you are just coming home and see signs of a break-in, go to a neighbour’s home and phone 911.

– If you are home at the time, turn on the lights, and call out loudly.

– Phone 911 as soon as possible.

What to do if you think someone is following you:

– Let the person know you are aware of them by looking directly at them.

– Walk directly to a place where people are and ask for help.

– Phone 911.

What to do if you are attacked:

– Do not freeze and do not panic.

– Try to get someone’s help by yelling “Fire”, “Stop”, or “No”.

– Use whatever force you feel is necessary to escape.

– Use a personal alarm device.